Friday, October 2, 2015

Father Funnies Friday

Easy As... (Spoon) Feeding a Baby

I sincerely hope that my daughter grows into a classy little lady. I want her to have manners, class, and style. Basically, I want her to be like me. I do not, however, want her to pick up my husband's manners, or lack there of. Don't get me wrong. He is the model of a Southern gentleman, mostly. He opens doors for me, lets me eat the last bite of shared desserts, and all that other good stuff. But I won't lie, hubby has some habits I've been working on kicking since we started dating almost six years ago. I know that men cannot be trained, but I have yet to give up hope.

One of these habits I hope my dear, sweet husband does not pass on to our daughter is how he eats. My man likes to eat. I don't blame him. So do I. I also happen to think I'm a pretty stellar cook, so it's fine that he wants to engulf plates of my fine home-cooked creation. However, he could be a little more suave about his eating. I don't think I've ever seen him eat a meal where food didn't land on his shirt. Fork? More like a food bulldozer to balance overly-large mouthfuls that lead to said dropping. And one piece of popcorn? No thanks. Hubby stuffs an entire fistful in at one time, using his hand as a shovel. I've seen a two year-old with better habits!

Back to my baby though... My husband has an issue feeding her. He is perfectly capable, but also carefree. Baby girl wants to smear green beans from chin to eyebrow? Sure thing. Swipe pears from ear to ear? Go ahead! Smash peaches on the table and floor? Be his guest. I know babies can be messy, but I just don't understand. When I feed her, 95% of the food goes in her MOUTH. When he feeds her, it's closer to 50%. Why even use a spoon? He could just use his hand shovel...

Does your husband struggle to keep food in his mouth, or his baby's? Let me know!

XOXO- Barnyard Baby Momma

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